Our Ethical Policy

Our Ethical Policy

30 Euston Square (RCGP Enterprises Ltd) is wholly owned by RCGP and is home to the Royal College of General Practitioners, a professional membership body for family doctors in the UK and overseas. 30 Euston Square is guided by RCGP’s Ethical Policy at all times. This means that some activities are restricted partially or wholly from taking place at the venue. Below is a list of all current restrictions. Please ensure that your event complies with restrictions below prior to entering in an agreement with 30 Euston Square.


Oil, Gas and Coal Exploration

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from organisations directly linked with oil, gas, and coal exploration. This restriction also applies to any subsidiary or contractor directly linked with oil, gas, and coal exploration activity such as drilling, mining, oil & gas logistic companies, refineries, etc.

Oil & Gas exploration companies are permitted to sponsor client events at 30 Euston Square.


E-cigarettes & Tobacco

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from organisations from the Tobacco and E-cigarettes industry.

E-cigarettes & Tobacco are permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square, however, brand and product display is not allowed.


Weapons & Arms Manufacturers

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from Weapons & Arms Manufacturers.

Weapons & Arms Manufacturers are not permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.


Assisted Dying

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from any organisation engaged with Assist Dying or any event where its purpose is to promote and lobby for Assisted Dying.

Assisted Dying businesses are not permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.


Gambling & Betting

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from organisations on the Gambling & Betting sectors. This includes sporting betting or spread betting (bet on financial markets)

Gambling & Betting companies are permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.


Liquor & Alcohol Manufacture

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings, events or corporate membership from liquor and alcohol manufacture.

Liquor & Alcohol manufacture are permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.


Bottle Feeding and Baby Formula

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meeting and events relating to promotion of infant bottle feeding or baby formula. This relates to bottle feeding and baby formula specifically and does not extend restriction to its manufacture.

Baby Formula brands are permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.


Adult Entertainment

30 Euston Square is not permitted to accommodate meetings and events relating to relating to adult entertainment.

Adult Entertainment are not permitted to sponsor events at 30 Euston Square.